Saturday, January 14, 2006

My dog rules my life

I have a 3 1/2 year old miniature schnauzer. I love him to death. But the truth is, he is the master of my domain, not me.

I won't look for a new job because I live so close to my current one, and it allows me to come home daily on lunch to let him out. I don't go out much at night because I want to be home with him. Part of this is out of guilt - he is home alone all day, part of this is because I truly like hanging out with him more than most people. But unless I can find a woman (see previous post) who most likely will already have a dog or dogs, I think I would probably be viewed as insane....

How do other people that own dogs do it? Especially ones that require a lot, I mean A LOT of attention? I mean, I am even having difficulty writing this post without having to entertain him!

I don't even think about going on vacation anymore. Putting him in a kennel is something I would never do, unless I had no other choice, and impositioning friends and relatives is not something I like to do. I could take him camping or something, but I have the feeling neither of us would really like that too much....

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't have it any other way. Anyone who has a dog knows what I am talking about. But sometimes being a responsible dog owner is a pain in the butt!!!!


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