Thursday, February 23, 2006

Internet Stalking

It amazes me how easy it is to stalk someone on the internet. The girl I was talking about a couple posts ago, that I dated about 18 years ago, has been found. Sort of. Online. In sites like Intelius and US Search, you can find anyone. I typed in her name (probably her maiden name now), her age, the address she lived at 18 YEARS AGO, and got a hit. Based on the data they show for free, I can tell she has lived in Georgia and California since then. For $40 I could get a full report, including marriages, divorces, roommates, bankruptcies, property owned, tax liens, small claims judgments.... pretty much anything and everything that is of public record. Frightening when you think about it. And they wonder why identity theft is so easy..... Anyway, as I suspected, she doesn't live here anymore. I wonder why she moved. Probably for a guy.... but wait, a brainstorm! She had an older sister. I look her up, and BAM, all the same city addresses!?!?! So I look up her Dad. What do you know, the same city addresses, except the last one. So they all packed up and moved, first to Georgia, then to California, a town called Newhall, just north of Los Angeles.... Still without paying for the report, not many details.... What purpose would it serve to buy it? Other than satisfying my curiosity, nothing. It wouldn't tell me if she ever day dreams of me, or thinks of me fondly.... Anyway, just amazed how easy it is to find someone, get all kinds of info on them. Scary, really.


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