Wednesday, April 30, 2008

American Idol

OK, I never watched this show all that much until this year. A few years ago I got interested in watching the train wreck contestants, but quit watching once they were all weeded out. This time around I didn't start watching until they got down to the last 15 - 20 or so.

It is now down to 5, with one to go tonight. Much to my shock, Jason Castro has survived another week. I just don't get it. He has so little talent compared to the others. I thought he should have gone before Carly Smithson last week.... and yet, here he is again tonight voted safe. That means it is either Brooke or Syesha going tonight. My gut says Brooke. Too bad, she was pretty good eye candy.... but anyway, how the hell has Jason Castro made it this far???? His voice sucks, he hasn't the originality of a David Cook, and he seems like a freaking air-head....

I guess nothing should surprise me in terms of how America votes for things, after all, they DID elect George Bush twice.... Well, technically, I guess they didn't. They elected him once, and the Supreme Court elected him the second time, but that is a whole other rant....

Anyway, guess we have to put up with the mophead again one more week.... but it will ultimately come down to the 2 Davids me thinks.


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