Saturday, February 02, 2008


I am so tired of this stuff.... and we have another 9 months of it....

John McCain appears to be the front runner for the nomination for the republican party. I used to think that McCain was actually a some what reasonable human being (which is saying a lot since he is affiliated with the republican party). Then I saw him on "The Daily Show" last year. That's when I realized he is more of the same brainwashed neo-conservative nonsense we have endured for the past 7 years. This was the first glimpse we had of him believing that the word "timetable" was a dirty word.

I found it comical to listen to him sit there for an hour the other night saying timetable over and over again when debating Romney. Not that I like Romney either, and think it is ridiculous that he denied saying he supported time tables. Think about it this way (which I am sure Romney did, since he has been a successful businessman). When a CEO of a company, or even a good middle manager of a company, has a project to do, aren't there generally time tables for completion of the project? What is wrong with a time table????? Just another tactic to avoid talking about REAL ISSUES. That is what I detest most about this process. They rarely talk about the issues that matter. And when they do, it is so glossed over with no details on how they will fix anything. They all claim they will fix healthcare, dependence on oil, etc. without ever saying in detail how they plan to do it! Drives me crazy!

It seems this is almost becoming reality-TV-like. I expect in a few years it will be: "Survivor: The Republican Primary", and that's how the candidate will get selected.... or maybe "Dancing with the Democrats"....


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