Monday, January 23, 2006

What am I doing?

I am sitting here, the TV is on, and yes, "Skating With the Stars" is on again. I am not changing the channel.... Why? Help me..... ok, I can't deal with this. I am changing the channel. Whew. That was close. I flipped over to ESPN, and of course the SU basketball team is losing. I really don't enjoy watching this team this year, not sure exactly why.... Guess I will turn off the TV for a while. Gonna flip on the XM radio, one of the comedy channels, I think....

I still didn't get any replies from any of the chicks I emailed on match. I sent one of them a second email, just to see if I can even elicit a reply. I let my dog type part of it. Just because.

I played golf yesterday, which in Syracuse NY in the middle of January is quite a feat. I would have rather played Saturday, but of course was stuck working. It was in the 50s in the AM Saturday before the front came through. It was in the 30s yesterday, but I wanted to get out. Played a course in Lafayette, NY called Orchard Valley. Not a great track, but hey, beggars can't be choosers. It was great to get out and get some fresh air and exercise. Played fairly well too. Probably put the clubs away for another 3 months.....

One weird thing was that the guy I was golfing with who lives not too far from the course was giving me some information about the area that I didn't know. I was asking about some of the local hamlets and villages in the area, as I am not familiar with it. I live in the northern half of the county, and don't get down to the southern half too much. He brought up a town a couple miles down the road named Cardiff. He said it was home of the Cardiff Giant. I had no clue what he was talking about. He couldn't believe I hadn't heard of it. He gave me a little info, and said to look it up on the net. So I did. Quite interesting. Called by some the greatest hoax of all time. You can find more info here. It amazes me how little I know about the local history of the area. I bet I am not alone in this, I am sure many people know surprisingly little about the history of the area in which they live. Maybe I'll have to do some research.....


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