Sunday, February 05, 2006


Let me first say, I do not claim to have any expertise in the Islamic cultures around the world. I have no idea what it is like to walk in their shoes. That said, I still cannot understand how they do what they do.

The latest events involve the Danish newspaper's printing of cartoon depicting the "Prophet Mohammed" as, well, basically a terrorist suicide bomber - wearing a turban shaped like a bomb with a lit fuse. So while this is totally insensitive and inflammatory, the reaction in places like Beirut where they torched the Danish embassy is unbelievable. Gee, they wonder why someone would draw and print something like this, and then they turn around and do that. I have no sympathy whatsoever for the plight of their people. They have brought this on themselves. I realize this goes back to biblical times, and they probably did get a raw deal centuries ago, but the recent (really the last 30 to 40 years) crimes they have perpetrated against the rest of the world is only hurting them more. Why would anyone have any sympathy for them at this point? Whenever we see them burning an American flag, we don't strap on explosives and walk into mosques... After 9/11 I bet many Americans would just have assumed we drop a nuke on the whole middle east and turn it into a parking lot. But we didn't. (Instead we took over Afghanistan and Iraq - spending millions of taxpayer dollars in the process, but that is another topic).

Bottom line is, I just don't understand how they think they will make anything better for themselves by blowing stuff up (especially themselves).


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