Saturday, October 02, 2010


Haven't posted anything in a very long time now. Guess I got bored with it. I think I realized that nobody was really reading it except me anyway... well with a few exceptions.

So to update anyone who might stumble on this blog and read it, I'll give a brief update.

I am indeed still working at the same company. Somehow survived the death march project. Of course I am involved in another one now, but am not quite as bothered this time. They haven't forced any overtime yet, so it isn't quite as bothersome. I had my private office taken away from me a year ago, so as a compromise, I work from home part of the time. It really has saved my sanity. I think if they hadn't agreed to that, I would be working somewhere else now.

Lets see, what else is new... basically nothing.

I paid off the mortgage early - I figured since I was making half a percent on my savings, and paying out four and a half on the mortgage, it was the thing to do. I waited a year longer to do it than I wanted to, hoping interest rates would come back, but that isn't happening anytime soon.

Still single. Still have the occassional day where I regret being alone, but for the most part am still happy with this decision. I no longer put myself in any sort of position - ever - to possibly meet someone that I think I could be with. So unless fate REALLY intervenes, I think it is what it is.

Been having some health related problems - chest and back pain for months now. Have lost all faith in modern medicine. The insurance companies are in control of everything. Doctor's are not issuing the necessary diagnostic tests to diagnose anybody anymore, as insurance won't approve. So I have been dispatched with NSAIDS 2 or 3 times now, with no real explanation or treatment. I feel as if I am just masking the problem at this point.

My dog is still around and doing well. He is 8 now. I can't believe his is 8 already.

I guess the last thing I want to say here is that I am truly thankful for everything I have. I know there are a lot of people out there who are struggling day after day to survive. Some of them might have put themselves in the position they are in (living beyond their means, bad decisions), but there are many who did not. I hope that things get better soon for them. Our leaders need to do the right things. I don't just mean government leaders, either. I beleive corporate leaders can do more to fix the state of things than the government can. The unforntunate thing is most of them don't. They are ruled by corruption and greed, instead of empathy and compassion. I think so many people have lost their way. They have hardended their hearts, and become totally self-serving. Somehow, someway, these folks need to remember what it was like to help others, and how it made them feel. All of us know that there is no greater feeling, deep down inside. Pay it forward.