Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Beyonce lips syncs, Manti Te'O fakes girlfriend, WHO CARES???

There is something fundamentally wrong with us. Why is this crap news? Why do we waste time and energy on this, when we have REAL issues to deal with? So frustrating. If either of these things is true or not, does it have any impact on ANYONE???? None whatsoever. Not that I am comparing this to something so trivial, but why is congress wasting time on the Benghazi witch hunt? 4 people died. Again, not to belittle those who lost their lives, there have been countless incidents that have resulted in many more deaths that nothing has been done about. Don't we have more important urgent matters? Grandstanding that the American people demand answers.... Yes, we demand answers on what you are doing CONSTRUCTIVELY to address social security shortfalls, medicare shortfalls, growing debt, and government waste and fraud. So get your priorities straight and get to work. I hope there won't be any congressional inquiry on whether or not Beyonce really sang or not.

Saturday, January 05, 2013

What if it was YOUR kid

That's all I can say to the gun crazed people out there. Spouting left and right about 2nd amendment rights.... What if your child was one of those lost at Sandy Hook.