Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Casinos are for suckers

I had to remind myself why I don't frequent them. It had probably been 3 years at least since I had gone, but yesterday I wasted a perfectly good vacation day by going to the nearest casino - Turning Stone - and blew $70. I don't know why I feel the need to do that every few years, but I do.... This could be the last time though. Not that I am that upset about losing the $70, it's just that I guess I don't get any enjoyment out of it. It used to be the prospect of winning money there was somehow exciting, or the whole risk taking that is gambling was exciting, or .... I dunno. All I can say is there was nothing enjoyable about going there. Maybe I am just getting old, and the prospect of winning a few bucks doesn't do much for me, or the fear of losing a few doesn't either.

A Fun Show

ABC has a new show on called Just For Laughs which is the latest hidden camera show. What makes this one especially unique is there is absolutely no dialogue, just music and sound effects. Just very well done. It WILL make you smile and chuckle no matter how bad a day you have had....

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Ok, one last post for today

I get an online calendar emailed to me daily from Page-A-Day Calendar. It is from the National Public Radio news quiz show Wait wait... don't tell me. Today's calendar page really made me laugh, so I thougt I would share:


The winner of the 2003 International Frank X. Tolbert-Wick Fowler Memorial Championship Chili Cook-Off in Terlingua, Texas, was disqualified when he revealed that his secret ingredient was what?



The other contestants’ chili. Don Eastep entered the cook-off on a whim; in fact, he hadn’t even made any chili. So, as a joke, he wandered around, took a sample of everybody else’s entry, stirred it up, and won. He immediately copped to the fraud, and has been banned from the competition for life.

The Older I Get, the Dumber I Get

I think that is true. I feel like I have an IQ of a wet sponge (for reference, that is probably the approximate IQ of the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington D.C.). I think my brain cells are dying off. I watch too much TV. That must be it. That damn DVR doesn't help either. Although I wouldn't get to watch 'The Daily Show' daily without it. So for that alone, I love it. But it is turning my brain to mush. Computers are evil too. I am not sure I can even do long division anymore. Fractions are almost out of the question. Technology makes us dumb..... but in retrospect, I still think I am smarter than a wet sponge (our commander in chief).... that is not saying much, is it.... I'll save my political rant for another day.

Strange Dreams

Historically speaking, I never dream. Or at least I certainly never remember them AT ALL. Maybe have a vague recollection of having had (does "having had" really sound right?) a dream when I wake up. Recently, however, I have had dreams, and actually remembered them. Weird ones too. They all seem to have very literal meanings though.

Take for example the one where I am in the backseat of a car trying to drive up a hill in the winter time. We can't get up the hill, and eventually start sliding backwards faster and faster, and eventually slide right off a cliff...... pretty easy to figure out, right? The driver and other passenger in the front seat were from work. So I interpret this as meaning I am never going to get any further ahead at work, and eventually things will get so bad that I will have to leave. That is my interpretation anyway.

The funny thing about it is, that I have no real desire to "get ahead" at work. I think most managers (at least in my 16 years at this company) that have come and gone over the years were absolute dysfunctional morons. They are managers based on the fact they have no actual skills of any value to perform real tangible tasks. The thought of becoming one of them, and having to deal with them on a more regular basis gives me the hee-bee-gee-bees! I am just not a bullshit artist, so therefore could never really last in that world.

Anyway, I wonder what I will dream of tonight.... hopefully not work related.

He's Back and He's Pi$$ed!!!!!

Yup, lots of time has passed, and I haven't put a damn thing out here. Guess what? Nothing has changed! Well, ok, some stuff has changed, but it mostly it is the same old same old. Still working at the same damn place, and just got an email today telling me I am required to work Saturdays for the foreseeable future. What a bunch of crap. Push is coming to shove. I already traded emails with my boss saying that I refuse, and if that is unacceptable, he can "do whatever he needs to do". After 16+ years of loyal service to this company, I could care less if they fire me. Ok, that's not totally true, but we are getting closer to that being a truth all the time.

I really need to do something here. Like win the lottery. Or rob a bank. I keep asking my dog to do it. I tell him that I want to come home and find him sitting on a big pile of money. :)

I think I need to investigate a personal business venture. I need to come up with an idea for a business that will have a high percentage of being successful. Easy right?..... I have saved a decent chunk of cash to get started with, but I haven't a clue what to do. I'm not sure I really have the energy for this.... That's why if I got fired, maybe it would not be the worst thing in the world, maybe it would be just the spark I need! (I sound like I am trying to convince myself, don't I?)

Anyway, I felt like bitching again, so I came back here..... don't get me wrong, I have felt like bitching several times since I last posted, but either didn't have the energy or time....

P.S. - a note to Zita Ranics-Wisson - Sorry, I hope you still check back once and again. I had a random thought about you the other day, and was just on your blogsite(s).... I guess that is why I came back here. Took me forever to remember my login info, then I had to switch to google... yea, it's been a while. I guess I got bored with blogging (bitching), or really was too busy to do it.... I am sure I could have found the time, but oh well.